Green Tea's wedding 198

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

5 Things Single Women Should Know Before Considering Marriage!

In the beginning of December, I had the awesome opportunity of attending a girlfriend's b-day brunch. I don't take for granted the times when I can celebrate my friends and get away from the kids for a quick sec. So while we were there, the b-day girl asked for the married women to share with her single friends about what they needed to know about marriage. You know after a certain women be in wait...waiting for our knight in shining armor. I know before I was married...from about age 25-27, I went thru that phase. The conversation was awesome and it was a great effort to dispel the notion of gumdrops and lollipops and fairy tales that are associated with wedding and marriage.

 Now, the married women in attendance were diverse in nature: some were newlyweds, divorcees, some had children,  and some didn't. So there was a wealth of information and I love conversations like these. I feel women do not share as much as they should with other women and so a lot of mistakes are repeated instead of learning vicariously through another woman's experience. Anyways, I digress. SO from the conversation, I got this:

5 Things Single Women Should Know Before Considering Marriage 

1. Know yourself. 
It's amazing how many women do not spend time mastering who they are before entering relationships. I mean truly understanding yourself and being aware of your strengths as well as one's areas of improvement. Know what you like and dislike...and that only comes with spending time with yourself and God. When you truly know yourself, you will grasp what you will tolerate and or not tolerate....which will save you a lot of you won't be easily swayed or tossed to and fro just to be captured by a man or keep the company of anyone.

2.  Explore Life
One of my friends, talked about enjoying her singleness. Exploring all the things that she could without having to worry about taking care of kids, a family, etc.  Traveling without the thought of arranging a babysitter and or being back by a certain time....yessss!! There is so much to do and conquer in this world and a lot of time is spent worrying about Boaz...instead of getting every drop of milk out of the stage that you're in.  What haven't you done yet. What's on your bucket list and why haven't you started it yet.  I think sometimes the demise of marriages are because people haven't learned to live apart form their mate and so they become resentful and blame their mate for all of  the responsibilities that are keeping them hostage.  So you gotta know how to live!! How to balance and live!

3. Communication
Alas, from the young to the to communicate is key! More importantly how to communicate so that you're heard. Relationships, rather its with family or friends, end, begin, restart, and or crumble because of communication. Either its too much, too little, or none.  So analyzing, are you a good communicator and how do you communicate, is essential. Is what your communicating congruent with what people are understanding from your communication.  If you don't know how to communicate or need a lot of work in that area....umm hold off on marriage lol. Lawd...cuz your communicating all the time, rather you verbalize or don't speak. Communication isn't just so you can be married...its for a better life and better relationships with those you love, period.

4. Fantasy vs. Life--- It Ain't for the faint in heart
I remember I was dating this guy and he has one of the most logical brains ever. He dropped a nugget that I still cherish till this day. He would say, Americans have this fantasy way of thinking about love....bumblegum and lollipops. They tolerate stuff because of the fantasy of the happy ending, when the real question that should be asked is if this person never changed, could you tolerate it for the rest of your life. Say it again. If this person never changed, could you tolerate it for the rest of your life. Asking that question can be applied to so many areas in our lives and would save us so much grief and heartache, if we asked it of ourselves.

5. Priorities
I could go on an on with this list...but I'll stop here with balance and priorities.  Life is a balancing act. There are so many things competing for our attention, our time, and our money, but its whether we have the ability to discriminate between the significant and insignificant. Shoes or rent? Vegas or Skills course? Are you able to sift thru life and identify the essentials.  Put things in their proper place before adding on more? Are you able to sacrifice right now for the greater outcome later on?  Those are things that should be considered.

 If you want to add some more feel free..but this is what I got from chillin with my homies:)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lessons learned at the DC GRAMMY Holiday Party!

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend DC's Grammy holiday party. I had the honor of attending as one of my fellow artist's, Wendy McIntyre's, guest, as I let my membership lapse.  I wasn't as excited about the event, but I was looking forward to seeing my sister girl, Wendy Mc:)....and no matter how I was feeling,  I just had to keep my word. So I made dinner, made sure my fam was straight, and tried my best to get myself dolled up a bit.  The results were the make-up department. I just couldn't get it going and it didn't help that my husband....gave me the side eye...and was  like uhhh that's not it.  So I just wiped most of  it off, put on bold lipstick, sighed, and was like forget it...take or  leave it, here I come.

    There I was, in the midst of all the music heads...and it was then I was reminded why I really don't like big groups of people like this.  First, I'm not the best at networking as I like natural connections.  I feel like everyone is trying to make an impression and its too much for dropping,  etc.  Plus I more so remember faces then names. Sensory Overload.  Then the question, "So what are you working on? How's the music."

Before, when that question was asked....I would dread it...especially when I really wasn't working on anything....or I didn't have an answer I thought was "music worthy."

But yesterday, when the question was asked. There was no hesitation. I replied,"I'm working on living."I don't  know where that answer came from....but it was the most liberating statement. I AM WORKING ON LIVING.  I am working on being and living to my fullest potential. Seeing what works and doesn't work in this life that I'm living... That was it. I felt no condemnation at all and actually truly enjoyed the event as I took the time to catch up everyone and see some of my music peeps.

I ran into so many familiar faces and chatted with some who, every time I see them, they make deposits in my life....with their words. They're always encouraging me to keep going in music or saying something that is in tune with my life. Their very encounters are lessons and breaths of fresh air (in fact, I wrote an entire song about it on the ride home).  Simple words like, "when its the right'll write and do the singing you want again."

That moment. TIME stopped and my thinking about TIME evolved. I can't even truly express how liberating it was to even think about TIME. Like why is there an urgency to do everything RIGHT NOW.  God spoke to me on the way home about the encounter....what's the rush, when's it's already your time.  Its like when you realize what is  already yours...then there's really no need to rush it:) I've been becoming more accepting of this concept of TIME and the demands that I've been putting on something that already belongs to me.

All in all, I danced, laughed, and just had a great time.  I had an awesome time with my date, Wendy, and I succeeded in slowly reinserting myself into the music scene....not to mention I learned a valuable lesson about TIME.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2 yrs In & Angry with God!! *shakes fist*

Last month, I celebrated two years of marriage to my handsome beau. Its amazing how much growth can happen in two years.  In two years,  so many changes have taken place in a split second.  From the moment I said "I Do," I went from being a single woman with one cat to a married woman with a husband, three children, an ex-wife, and a cat.   We then added a dog :). Several adjustments were made in year one....quick adjustments necessary for our survival. As soon as I finally got the swing of everything.....better management of my household, the children, better working relationship with the ex wife....we added two more children. We hadn't even reached year 2 just yet....just a month shy of it.  I haven't really sat down with my feelings as we have been on the go...and most times now, we barely have time to sit down without the house being crowded or having to supervise, referee, teach lessons, revisit schedules, cook meals, etc. I think my husband and I are doing the the best we can to keep things as normal as we can. We still have dates and our time together....but its not always easy.

There are times...where I feel like, I got this...and then there are times where I haven't gotten the best sleep and or I feel overwhelmed or I just want moments to myself..and I just feel angry. Like last night. Like today. Who am I angry with...GOD. Not like I haven't been angry with him before. I'm like God you know me....why!! Why are you requiring me to learn to be a different person at the age of 33 years old.  Why God?!! My husband told me just last night....somebody thinks highly of us. Humph!I asked for children from my womb!! shakes fist! I have freakin baby clothes, a baby vision board, etc....whats up...where's my baby?!! As I type this, I feel like a child having a temper tantrum because I didn't get what I wanted just yet.

And then I have these moments....where I want to treat God just like I treat someone when I'm angry with them. I don't talk to them and ignore them....and I have treated Him like that in the past and over the course of this month at times.  I will not lie I have. I hate being angry and with Him. Yet, I am not afraid to voice my concern or discomfort...thank God for a God who will allow you to be honest.

Even in my angry times with God, He still speaks to me (He is the true example of love who continues in spite of). I heard him say....:"I got you."  Nothing long or long winded. Simple --"I got you."  Then  He reminded me of the Will and Jaden Smith movie called "After Earth" where there's a segment about fear.....

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.”
― Will Smith

And there is a scene where Jaden embraces his father's words and begins to take in every moment for what it is...and fear and the thing that is trying to destroy can't 'find him....can't even see him. It reminded me of God, how when we understand that faith is now, and take in our Father's words...that we can hide in His words of faith....and hide in Him.  Situations will come for us...but because we are living in the now of can't touch us.

Just venting... and realizing that my anger was displaced fear.