Not too long after I wrote my blog, What is it that you do again? and sent out my email to my #greentealovers, I get word that I'm no longer slated to open up for Lyfe Jennings on this Saturday, July 20, 2013. No longer. Swallowed Hard. Thoughts. Feelings. Sadness. Disappointments. My response: Okay.
Next steps. Action. I must immediately tell my accompanist that the rehearsal slated for 2:30 pm today is cancelled. I must tell my kids who were gearing themselves to sit thru the rehearsal, gathering snacks and games, to be at ease; the rehearsal is cancelled. Their response is that they're happy. More time they have to chill in our pool on the new floaties.
I must send out a retracting e-mail
and to the social media outlets.
Next thoughts. Wait, I forgot. I'm disappointed. Hence, I'm writing. Woosah.
I'm sad that I got my hopes up about this situation. Sad that I sent out emails, social media, told my husband, my parents, and my friends. Sad that I may get endless questions about what happened, are you okay. People feeling sorry for me. All of that.
But I'm still here. I cry a few tears but upward and onward. This disappointment doesn't take away my gift or my mission to encourage people to grow, love, and heal thru music. I'm staying true. Just another lesson that I've learned. In a matter of moments, things can change, both for the better or for the worse, especially over things you can't control. Somethings I just can't control. I don't have power over other people. I have power over myself and my response and so I wish Lyfe Jennings the best show ever. Sorry I'm not apart....but like I tell the kids when they can't do something that they really want to do..." it's okay, maybe next time." I'll be opening at the Howard Theatre some time in the near future.
Patience continues to ring like a clanging symbol in my ear. I hear ya I hear ya
Next steps. Action. I must immediately tell my accompanist that the rehearsal slated for 2:30 pm today is cancelled. I must tell my kids who were gearing themselves to sit thru the rehearsal, gathering snacks and games, to be at ease; the rehearsal is cancelled. Their response is that they're happy. More time they have to chill in our pool on the new floaties.
and to the social media outlets.
Next thoughts. Wait, I forgot. I'm disappointed. Hence, I'm writing. Woosah.
I'm sad that I got my hopes up about this situation. Sad that I sent out emails, social media, told my husband, my parents, and my friends. Sad that I may get endless questions about what happened, are you okay. People feeling sorry for me. All of that.
But I'm still here. I cry a few tears but upward and onward. This disappointment doesn't take away my gift or my mission to encourage people to grow, love, and heal thru music. I'm staying true. Just another lesson that I've learned. In a matter of moments, things can change, both for the better or for the worse, especially over things you can't control. Somethings I just can't control. I don't have power over other people. I have power over myself and my response and so I wish Lyfe Jennings the best show ever. Sorry I'm not apart....but like I tell the kids when they can't do something that they really want to do..." it's okay, maybe next time." I'll be opening at the Howard Theatre some time in the near future.
Patience continues to ring like a clanging symbol in my ear. I hear ya I hear ya
I definitley empathize with you, and appreciate you being so transparent, but we all know that God has something better for you in store. So keep your head up and enjoy this extra free time with your little ones :)