Green Tea's wedding 198

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lessons learned at the DC GRAMMY Holiday Party!

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend DC's Grammy holiday party. I had the honor of attending as one of my fellow artist's, Wendy McIntyre's, guest, as I let my membership lapse.  I wasn't as excited about the event, but I was looking forward to seeing my sister girl, Wendy Mc:)....and no matter how I was feeling,  I just had to keep my word. So I made dinner, made sure my fam was straight, and tried my best to get myself dolled up a bit.  The results were the make-up department. I just couldn't get it going and it didn't help that my husband....gave me the side eye...and was  like uhhh that's not it.  So I just wiped most of  it off, put on bold lipstick, sighed, and was like forget it...take or  leave it, here I come.

    There I was, in the midst of all the music heads...and it was then I was reminded why I really don't like big groups of people like this.  First, I'm not the best at networking as I like natural connections.  I feel like everyone is trying to make an impression and its too much for dropping,  etc.  Plus I more so remember faces then names. Sensory Overload.  Then the question, "So what are you working on? How's the music."

Before, when that question was asked....I would dread it...especially when I really wasn't working on anything....or I didn't have an answer I thought was "music worthy."

But yesterday, when the question was asked. There was no hesitation. I replied,"I'm working on living."I don't  know where that answer came from....but it was the most liberating statement. I AM WORKING ON LIVING.  I am working on being and living to my fullest potential. Seeing what works and doesn't work in this life that I'm living... That was it. I felt no condemnation at all and actually truly enjoyed the event as I took the time to catch up everyone and see some of my music peeps.

I ran into so many familiar faces and chatted with some who, every time I see them, they make deposits in my life....with their words. They're always encouraging me to keep going in music or saying something that is in tune with my life. Their very encounters are lessons and breaths of fresh air (in fact, I wrote an entire song about it on the ride home).  Simple words like, "when its the right'll write and do the singing you want again."

That moment. TIME stopped and my thinking about TIME evolved. I can't even truly express how liberating it was to even think about TIME. Like why is there an urgency to do everything RIGHT NOW.  God spoke to me on the way home about the encounter....what's the rush, when's it's already your time.  Its like when you realize what is  already yours...then there's really no need to rush it:) I've been becoming more accepting of this concept of TIME and the demands that I've been putting on something that already belongs to me.

All in all, I danced, laughed, and just had a great time.  I had an awesome time with my date, Wendy, and I succeeded in slowly reinserting myself into the music scene....not to mention I learned a valuable lesson about TIME.


  1. This is a beautiful post!!! So honest and sincere! Wow, thank you SO MUCH for sharing this perspective! Love you sis!

  2. Great post! It is so important to put things in perspective. Things can seem larger than life if you let them to yet there is nothing larger than "living." Great insight, thanks for the reminder.

    1. :) thanks:) yes living in the present and not being caught in the future and whats to come is def import...
